Category: Sliding enclosure
Locality: Belchatow
Number of handle sets:48
48 sets of handles for movable fin boards in teak.
How to turn a street-side terrace on a housing estate into a stylish, spacious, intimate area? Best built in with sliding panels of movable external blinds.
In this project, we used 12 sliding panels, operating on a proprietary, specially developed system. The homeowners opted for large sliding panels to make it easier to enter and exit through the terrace. This solution allows them to decide how much they want to integrate with the neighbourhood and their neighbours at any given time. At the same time, they completely control the access of weather conditions to the terrace space. When the blinds are closed, they have an additional, intimate room at their disposal. With the blinds drawn open, they can enjoy the garden, the company of their neighbours and the life of the neighbourhood on a beautiful day.
There is no denying that this house in Belchatow has benefited enormously from the symmetrical 'cubicles' of wooden louvres. In addition, it is decorated with a stylish flower pot that unites the two parts of the development. From an ordinary, classic house, it has become an exceptional house.
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